Nippon Maritime Co., Ltd.(NMC) was founded in April, 1959, then known as Nippon States Marine Agency Co., Ltd.  With many years of experience in the shipping agency business, NMC have been enjoying a reputation as a shipping agent for personal and dedicated services.
During our long experiences as maritime agency NMC have seen many changes in the industry.
The development of containerization and high technology or computerized systems have helped to make the industry more efficient. NMC have always welcomed new ideas which have contributed to speedy, secure and cost-effective business operations but our basic business philosophy has not changed: it is to server our clients' interests at all times in every possible way. This, to a great extent, depends on the quality of staff NMC employ.
Proper skill, motivation and consideration are essential to achieve utmost efficiency in any service business and I am very proud of and thankful to our efficient staff who worked with us in the past and are working now. Over the years, they have shown remarkable achievement to get the work done even under very difficult circumstances.
They have always shown willingness to do their best and this extra effort - going the extra step for NMC'S customers - has been at the core of NMC success. NMC clients have come to know our capabilities and to count on them. NMC greatly appreciate the confidence that Principals have shown to us and in return NMC offer our dedicated service to them for the benifit of all parties concerned.

BRC cooperates in the system construction of Nippon Maritime.
(I was an employee of NMC until 17 years ago)
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